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2005年04月19日 [長年日記]

_ [Ruby] Rails Day

7月6月4日にRails Dayが開催される。



  1. Your application must be written in Ruby on Rails

    アプリケーションはRuby on Railsで記述されなければならない。

  2. Your application must use MySQL


  3. Your application must be under a license where the code may be viewed by the general public (for inspiration and as a reference). The rest is up to you.


  4. Your application should be written totally within the 24 hour period. Photoshop comps, CSS and Javascript are included in this time.


  5. Only libraries installable via gem are allowed. However no gem that uses any of the components of rails is allowed.


  6. Up to 3 people are allowed to work on a single entry.


  7. You are allowed to dream up the idea before the competition you can also do paper mock-ups of database schemas and UIs. No digital mockups any more complex than a paper napkin drawing are allowed before the competition begins.

    事前にアプリケーションを夢想するは許される。 スキーマやインタフェースのプロトタイプを紙の上でまとめるのもOK。 ただし、実際のプログラムやペーパーナプキンのメモ書き以上のものは競技開始前は禁止

  8. The applications will all be hosted on the competition server. You will have 24 hours of subversion and ssh access to the server to upload and test your app.


  9. You must use subversion and checkin your work at least 12 times at various stages of development



  • David Heinemeier Hansson
  • Dave Thomas
  • Lucas Carlson
  • もうひとり秘密の誰か(近日公開)

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